Product Guides — Sleeping Bags

Sleeping Bags: Temperature Ratings Explained

Sleeping Bags: Temperature Ratings Explained

The benefit of knowing your sleeping bag has been tested to the International Standards is that you can confidently select the right sleeping bag for the conditions you’re heading to. While the temperature ratings will give you a strong guide, there are a range of other factors that can impact your sleep including your mat, what you wear sleeping, the weather conditions, just to name a few. Our experts generally recommend selecting a lower temperature rating than the lowest night temperature you’re expecting. And if you’re planning on using your bag during the cooler months, look at sleeping bags that...

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Sleeping Bag Insulation Types

Sleeping Bag Insulation Types

Making the decision between down or synthetic fill needs to be considered carefully as there are a lot of variables that will impact your decision. DOWN FILL Down filled sleeping bags are generally viewed as the premium fill for hiking or camping enthusiasts as they offer the best warmth-to-weight ratios. They are considered an investment as generally down filled sleeping bags are more expensive than synthetic fill. It’s important to recognise that the higher the loft of your down sleeping bag, the more efficient it will be in gaining and retaining warmth. The benefits of a higher loft are that...

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